Chapter Report

São Tomé and Príncipe Hold the Peace Road March

By UPF Africa
Sao Tome Peace Road 2024 August

Written by UPF-Africa

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On August 30, 2024, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), in collaboration with the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP), organized the Peace Road March in São Tomé e Príncipe. The event also marked the opening ceremony for the Youth Holiday Camp in São Tomé, attracting the participation of various national leaders and dignitaries.

Despite the Parliamentary recess, several authorities were invited, including members of Parliament, the Minister of Education, and the Minister of Youth and Sports. While the Minister of Education sent her apologies due to a packed agenda, she was represented by her advisor. Similarly, the Minister of Youth and Sports, despite an unexpected commitment 30 minutes before the event, sent her representative to join the ceremony.

The event began with the national anthem, followed by the Peace Anthem, setting a solemn tone. A short cultural performance by the youth added color to the start of the program.

The opening address was delivered by the Secretary of Parliamentary Sessions, who welcomed all participants in the absence of the President of the National Assembly, who was out of the country. A video showcasing the activities of both UPF and IAYSP was presented to the audience.

The National President of IAYSP, in his speech, expressed confidence that the youth camp would produce results that would be appreciated by all after the activities. He set the tone for the day's proceedings, reinforcing the importance of the gathering.

Ambassador Taty Ntoko, Secretary General of UPF, followed with a message of gratitude, thanking the dignitaries for making time to attend despite their busy schedules. He emphasized the significance of their presence, underscoring their shared interest in peace-building.

Ambassador Ntoko then gave a detailed overview of the Peace Road initiative, which began in 2005, explaining its origins as part of the Founders’ vision for lasting global peace. He highlighted how the initiative aligns intending to see all humanity as one global family, transcending racial, national, and religious barriers that fuel conflicts. He praised the perseverance of the Founders, despite facing numerous challenges and threats, including assassination attempts.

With the recent commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s passing, Ambassador Ntoko recognized his widow, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, known as the Mother of Peace, for continuing the mission of global peace. He reminded attendees that the Peace Road initiative embodies God’s original ideal of seeing His children united in harmony.

Ambassador Ntoko went on to describe the ambitious projects of the Founders, including plans for a tunnel linking Korea and Japan—two nations with a history of political and economic tensions. He stressed that once such projects are completed, and when barriers like visas and customs are eliminated, the world will see the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom of Peace on Earth.

The President of IAYSP, Jailson Mamata, encouraged the youth to seize the present moment, stating that the future is built today, not tomorrow. His message resonated with the audience, setting the stage for the Peace March.

President Koji Matsuda closed the event by emphasizing the serious issues youth and families face worldwide, including in São Tomé. He highlighted the importance of the Family Festival for Peace, which took place at the Palais des Congrès, where couples pledged eternal love and commitment to each other. He noted that Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the Mother of Peace, holds São Tomé e Príncipe in special regard, as the country is mentioned on the first page of her autobiography.

President Matsuda also stressed the importance of character education promoted by IAYSP, which aims to nurture young people who love their families, communities, and country. He mentioned the success of the 2019 youth camp held in six schools and announced the launch of similar activities in four schools this year. He added that the Youth Festival for Peace attracted 40,000 young participants, making it the largest youth event in São Tomé.

To conclude the event, Ambassador Ntoko invited all attendees to sign the International Peace Road Project banner, symbolizing their commitment to global peace. This was followed by a march through the city’s streets, with participants walking from the Palais des Congrès to Independence Square and back, chanting peace slogans and raising awareness through microphones.


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