Blessing Festival Held In Nigeria
By UPF Africa
Written by UPF-Africa
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Diakuma, Nigeria – More than 210 couples attended a special celebration of marriage and family peace co-hosted by the Nigeria Chapter of the UPF and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in the Kingdom of Diakuma, Imo State, Nigeria. . organization. The festival was held on December 26-27, 2017, with a follow-up program on January 2, 2018. The event was part of activities to mark the 15th anniversary of the coronation of Peace Ambassador King Ezu Anyabuike of the Kingdom of Diakuma.
In celebration of Marriage and Family Peace Blessing Festival, traditional rulers, chiefs, elders and couples from their communities and neighboring areas gathered at the Palace of the Traditional Rulers of the Kingdom of Diakuma. This program was intended to encourage the Kingdom of Diakma to become a peaceful kingdom where citizens live peacefully as brothers and sisters and focus on strong and stable families. The program is designed to promote healthy marriage and family relationships based on true altruistic love, mutual respect, interdependence, and "living for the benefit of others."
The event began with registration and photography of participant pairs. This was followed by the opening prayers and the singing of the Nigerian national anthem by representatives of various denominations. King Anyabuike delivered his greetings and thanked everyone who accepted the invitation to attend this first ceremony at Diakma. He introduced UPF and FFWPU, praising the founder's lifelong commitment to peace.
Each couples of FFWPU was introduced and participants said they were inspired by the international nature of the FFWPU. This was followed by Raphael Ogar Oko, Secretary General of UPF-Nigeria, who spoke about the purpose of the Blessing of Peace, the procedures for joining the program and the expected outcomes.
Husbands and wifes, most of whom were married, renew their marriage vows with the sacred promise to love each other faithfully as husband and wife, live together in peace, and educate their children and grandchildren to remain chaste. promised Approximately 144 couples attended the first day's event, and couples who could not attend were invited to the next day's program. The Blessing Ceremony was officiated by FFWPU-Nigeria National President, Rev. George M. Ogurie, his wife, and six other couples. Rev. Ogurie guided the couple through the basic steps of blessing and prayed for peace in the family and community.
More than 54 couples attended the second day, December 27th. Several political and community leaders then gathered at the palace to celebrate the coronation anniversary of King Anyabuike. During the celebration, UPF founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon were awarded the title of Chief by the Elders and Chiefs of the Kingdom of Diakuma in recognition of their lifelong dedication to achieving a peaceful world. With the title of chieftain given to the UPF founders, they became members of the Traditional Rulers' Council of the Kingdom of Diakuma. Chieftainship materials were received by FFWPU-Nigeria Secretary General Mrs Kikunda, and her spouse on behalf of the Founders. The ceremony won multiple awards and was reported and broadcast statewide by the local Imo Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) radio station in Owerri, the capital of Imo State.
After the two-day event, some of the traditional rulers in attendance asked to spread the peace blessing ceremony to their communities. King Anyabuike authorized a subsequent Blessing of Peace in one of his parishes in the Okigwe Local Government Area of neighboring Imo State on January 2, 2018. The blessing was held at the Methodist Church, and 30 couples participated in the program. Church leaders requested that additional Blessings of Peace programs be organized at a later date.