In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on September 30, 2023, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), in collaboration with the Federation of Families for World Peace and Unification (FFPMU), the International Association of Young Students for Peace (IAYSP), and the Federation of Women for World Peace (FFPM), organized a public conference to commemorate the International Day of Peace and the 18th Anniversary of UPF. The conference was themed "Action for Peace in Burkina Faso" and brought together 1500 participants. During the event, a conference on the five Principles of Ambassadors for Peace was conducted by Reverend Danwéré SOU, President of the Universal Peace Federation for North Africa.
By UPF Africa
Written by UPF-Africa
Saturday, September 30th, 2023
In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on September 30, 2023, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), in collaboration with the Federation of Families for World Peace and Unification (FFPMU), the International Association of Young Students for Peace (IAYSP), and the Federation of Women for World Peace (FFPM), organized a public conference to commemorate the International Day of Peace and the 18th Anniversary of UPF. The conference was themed "Action for Peace in Burkina Faso" and brought together 1500 participants.
During the event, a conference on the five Principles of Ambassadors for Peace was conducted by Reverend Danwéré SOU, President of the Universal Peace Federation for North Africa.
Three individuals were honored with trophies for their outstanding commitment to promoting UPF and peace. These individuals included Colonel Major Amado DABRE, Technical Advisor to the Minister of Defense, a Minister from the Kingdom of Boussouma, and the Youth Leader of the Zoungrantenga Kingdom, who also serves as the chairman of UPF-Burkina Faso. Additionally, prominent figures such as parliamentarians, defense officers, women leaders, youth representatives, traditional leaders, and business operators were recognized as Ambassadors for Peace. The event was broadcasted on national radio and television.