Inauguration Of IAPD In Ivory Coast
By UPF Africa
Written by UPF-Africa
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Grand Bassam, Côte d`Ivoire— Just as many other nations in Africa, UPF-Côte d`Ivoire, in collaboration with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, held on April 28, 2018, its inauguration of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) , at the convention room of the Center for Animation and Educational Training (CAFOP). There was 305 participants, and the topic of the event was “The Role of Religions withinside the Process of Sustainable Peace.”
The launching of this international association might be a crucible in an effort to permit Ambassadors for Peace and spiritual leaders from all walks of existence to paintings collectively tirelessly for the advantage of peace and improvement in our nation.
Those attending blanketed leaders from numerous religions, Ambassadors for Peace, lots of conventional chiefs, and NGO officials. Also a few of the contributors had been the following:
Vice-President of the Republic of Côte d`Ivoire Mr. Daniel Kablan Duncan, represented with the aid of using Mr. Aka Martin, administrative and monetary director of the workplace of the vice-president of the Republic of Côte d`Ivoire;
Prefect of South Comoé Region Mr. Kassi Amakou, represented with the aid of using the deputy prefect of Grand Bassam;
Grand Bassam Commune Mayor Mr. Georges Philippe Ezaley, represented with the aid of using his 2nd deputy, Mr. Kamangaté;
President of the Regional Council of South Comoé Eugene Aka Aouele, represented with the aid of using his first vp Mr. Lohoiro Dogbo Jean;
Monseigneur Raymond AHOUA, bishop of Grand Bassam;
His Excellency Aka Saye Lazare, countrywide president of the FPU-Ivory Coast;
Honorable Gbocho Emmanuel, honorary president of the FPU-Ivory Coast;
Imam Moussa, Imam of the Great Mosque Fatimata Zahara of Grande Bassam and president of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development.