Chapter Report

Inauguration Of IAPP In Kenya

By UPF Africa

Written by UPF-Africa

Wednesday, 10 January, 2018


Nairobi, Kenya – The International Association Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), was officially launched in Kenya in an ceremony in parliament.

The inauguration ceremony held on January 10, 2018 was fully blessed by the Speaker, Vice-President and Secretary of the National Assembly. This included all privileges granted to Congressional committees/teams, such as use of committee rooms and equipment, provision of refreshments, etc. In addition, UPF could bring its own banners and equipment.

This auspicious occasion was celebrated by prominent parliament members, peace ambassadors, clergy members and friends of the UPF. Pastor Juma, deputy chairman of the Kenya branch of affiliate Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), prayed on behalf of the deputy Chief Kadhi who was detained at the last minute.

The chairman of the conference, Hon. Matthias Robi, delivered the opening remarks. He was one of six parliamentarians who attended 2017's World Summit in Seoul, South Korea. As the convenor, he was responsible for all parliamentary processes leading up to its inception. He praised the UPF founder for delivering this IAPP vision of promoting peace among parliamentarians. He said the IAPP would be a catalyst for parliamentarians to enact legislation that upholds family values ​​and promotes a culture of peace. The family is the school of love, the cradle of peace, the fundamental institution upon which other institutions are built.

IAPP is a global movement that connects parliamentarians. This is a unique networking platform for discussion. The exchange of ideas is an essential element in promoting values, peace and development. At its heart is the view of mankind as one family under God.

Mr. Robi referred to the ongoing UPF family values ​​education program. This brought peace to a conflict-prone region at minimal cost. He said IAPP has an effective soft power approach to peacebuilding and peacekeeping needed to heal the rifts created by last year's divisive general election. IAPP came to the right place at the right time.

Korea representative Jeong Muchiri delivered a speech on behalf of the busy Vice-Chairman Moses Cheboi. He spoke of the important role of parliamentarians in peacebuilding and peacekeeping at the individual, family, community, national and beyond levels. Members of parliament have always been central to ensuring peace, he said. The arrival of IAPP is a special gift for lasting peace.

UPF Kenya President Dharam Sing Chaggar introduced the vision of UPF and its founders, emphasizing the principle of living for the benefit of others and the dream of "one family under God." He urged members of parliament to focus on making laws conducive to peace.

In addition to leading the day's programme, UPF-Kenya's executive director Frederick Wakhisi provided background to the IAPP. He elaborated on IAPP's vision and mission, detailing its core goals and activities, expected outcomes and benefits.

Woman. Feliciter Kililo reads the founders' speech at the World Summit in Seoul, South Korea in February 2017. She concluded her speech by calling out, “We will do it,” declaring the formal launch of IAPP-Kenya.

The motion of thanks was made by the Honorable Tonui. He said he was surprised at the timing of the launch of the IAPP in the country's current political climate. He was full of gratitude for the founders and their contributions to humanity. He spoke of his determination and that of other honored members to attend to inspire peers to promote the IAPP program in the community/society for moral and ethical cleansing.

Bishop Job Arshura delivered the closing prayer. Long live IAPP Kenya, long live UPF Kenya. Praise be to God.

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