Chapter Report

Inauguration Of IAPP In Malawi

By UPF Africa

Written by UPF-Africa

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Lilongwe, Malawi - The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was inaugurated at the Malawi Parliament House on Wednesday 6 December 2017 with a meeting hosted by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Malawian Parliament. 45 members of parliament attended. Among the parliamentarians were Esther Mcheka Chilenje, First Vice-President of the National Assembly, and Rafael Juma of the Malawi Congress Party, the principal opposition party. On this occasion Rev. Flaxon L. Kuyama, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Malawi and Pastor Banda of the Presbyterian Church and five journalists in broadcast and print media were also present.

The program had two different parts. The first was the introduction to UPF and the second part was the  launch of the IAPP itself. Rev. Kuyama offered a prayer. He told a story of a mouse working with an elephant across a bridge and stressed the need to ensure that God is always a part of what we do.

Moderator Ronald Mwambo, UPF Malawi secretary general, give the floor to Ms. Patricia Annie Kaliati, President of UPF Malawi and IAPP Regional Co-Chair for her welcoming remarks. She thanked all the participants for coming and continued to talk about mankind's quest for inner peace that began with Adam and Eve after the fall. His Excellency Kaliati pointed to the lack of inner peace that caused Abraham and Sarah to cast out Haggar, Jacob's sons to sell their brother Joseph, the Israelites to rebel against Moses, and more. She called on all members of parliament to work to ensure peace in the country. "Peace at home is the key to peace at work and in society at large," she said. She also address her gratitude to Founder of UPF, Dr. Hak Ja Han for assisting the launch of IAPP in Malawi and the Malawian delegation at the Africa Summit in Senegal. “We appreciate your prayers and continued support,” said the UPF President of Malawi.

Honorable Kaliati then introduced the next Speaker, Esther Mucheka Chilenje, First deputy speaker of the Malawi Parliament. She said Malawi is truly honored to see the launch of IAPP on this day. Where there is tension and conflict there can be no development." She praised all of the UPF's work and commitment to peace. The world is waiting.” A group photo was then taken outside the lobby of the Capitol.

Jean-Augustin Ghomsi, as UPF East Africa Regional Secretary, introduced the vision of the UPF and its founders. Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon founded UPF on September 12, 2005 in New York. The UPF is a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to world peace, affirming and applying universal and spiritual principles for conflict resolution and reconciliation of a divided humanity. He explained UPF's core values. “Our founders envisioned a world in which we all live in interdependence, share prosperity and share values ​​universally. They advocate true love based on the principle of living for the benefit of others as the basis for true peace. There is hope for true peace when we can live for the common good. "

Two videos introducing the UPF and its founders were shown before the tea break. After the break, Mr. Ghomsi introduced IAPP as UPF program. It aims to be a global alliance of current and former members of parliament united to promote a united world where all people live together in harmony, cooperation and shared prosperity. According to him, the IAPP provides a mechanism for cooperative peacebuilding efforts between executive and legislative branches, all working together with mutual respect and a shared commitment to cooperation and good governance.

Honorable D. Namachekecha delivered the Founder's Address at IAPP's 1st World Congress in Seoul, South Korea, February 2017. In her speech, Dr. Hak Ja Han: "In our hearts, we all want a united world, a peaceful, happy, united world, but many walls stand in our way. … All nations, all of you, must help God our Creator, our Heavenly Parent, in your nations, that world peace may come.”

Hon. Esther Chilenje was the first signer of Malawi's IAPP founding resolution. She said she is willing to participate in all UPF and her IAPP programs nationally and internationally, and that she can be expected both as a First Vice Spokesperson and as a Women's Leader. She was asked to sign and all other members of parliament as well.

Honorable Beatrice Mwale thanked the UPF founders for their vision of peace and thanked the founding meeting of the IAPP. "This message should be known everywhere," she said. Rev Banda of the Central African Presbyterian Church delivered the closing prayer.

On December 4, the Honorable Patricia Kaliati spoke on a local radio program about the launch of UPF and IAPP in Malawi. She and Mr. Ghomsi were interviewed by five journalists who participated in the program.

The inauguration took place in a very delicate and very volatile political situation. All churches and civil society organizations planned a December 13 strike to force the government to amend election laws ahead of the 2019 general elections. UPF-Malawi met with Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon Richard Musowoya, 7 November 2017,  who explain the efforts by the President of Malawi and himself to defuse the tensions. It is worth noting that Malawi is one of the rare countries in Africa where the government is headed by the ruling party and the parliament by the opposition.

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